Marketing, vendite e comunicazione
Corsi di formazione aziendale > Marketing, vendite e comunicazione > Communication and negotiation skills in English Language

Communication and negotiation skills in English Language


Quando: 18 e 25 febbraio 2025

Orari: 09,00 - 17,30

Numero di incontri: 2

Dove: Via Edoardo Plinio Masini 2, 35131 Padova provincia di Padova, Italia

Posti disponibili: esauriti


Iscrizione standard: 580€

Iscrizione Associato Confindustria Veneto Est: 480€

NB: l'iva è esclusa

Acquistabile da:

Corso acquistabile dal 9 dicembre 2024

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Che cos'è



Non è un corso di inglese. E’ un corso di negoziazione e gestione della trattativa in lingua inglese. Il vantaggio è duplice: approfondire le abilità per trattare con un cliente straniero + imparare a farlo direttamente in lingua inglese. Developing and improving communication skills allows you to communicate more effectively and confidently, for communication is not just about exchanging information, but it is about: - listening to gain the actual meaning of what is being said - building a relationship of trust and mutual understanding with the foreign customer. Once the principles of a careful communication are understood, it is necessary to learn and develop abilities and strategies to negotiate effectively with foreign customers in English language, in order to obtain good deal-making results.




Step 1 - Interpersonal communication skills Contents Different meanings of communication: - communication as action: the effects created by words. The basic principles of communication during a business meeting. Practical tips to reduce complexity and help mutual understanding between people from different countries: - summarize the discourse - use simple words - make written schedules Active listening: a matter of understanding what is being actually communicated - how to show empathy - how to handle a different point of view - how to give feedbacks - reformulate! A technique to avoid mistakes and get to the point Two strategies to collect information about the customer’s needs: - expressions and words useful to stimulate the other person to speak; - the “open questions” needed to make facts and information come to light. Workshop: during the training class, practical exercises and analysis of short videos will be carried out, in order to enhance listening and understanding abilities, build dialogue capabilities and train on reduction of complexity in communication.

Step 2 - Negotiation skills during a business meeting Contents: What negotiation actually means, why we need to negotiate, when we need to negotiate Set the ground for negotiation: tips to understand your counterpart’s culture and mind-set according to such intercultural variables as: - environment; time; action - communication style; communication models - space; power; rules, ways of thinking - group relationships Two different strategies: distributive and integrative negotiation. The 6 stages of the integrative negotiation process: - argue and support your proposals - recognize the counterpart’s interests and needs - separate the person from the problem - identify both positions - provide alternative solutions - reach a final agreement Handle the customer’s objections: a further chance to reach an agreement. Practical tips to avoid being put in a trap by the counterpart during the negotiation. Workshop: during the training class, practical exercises and analysis of short videos will be carried out, in order to improve the ability of reading different contexts and to study the different steps of managing effectively a negotiation process.



L’attività di formazione è rivolta a: - aziende con una presenza consolidata in contesti internazionali - aziende in procinto di intraprendere processi di internazionalizzazione Nello specifico è indirizzata a dirigenti, imprenditori, responsabili commerciali e addetti di uffici commerciali che vogliono approfondire le abilità comunicative e le capacità negoziali direttamente in lingua inglese.



Foto docente Marco Bassetti

Marco Bassetti

Marco Bassetti, dal 2007 socio di Officina Studio, società di consulenza per le risorse umane; dal 2014 è Guest Speaker per il CIMIC Group della NATO sui temi di comunicazione e negoziazione interculturale in lingua inglese indirizzata a diversi contingenti internazionali.

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