COMBA – Competence Based Approach
COMBA – Competence Based Approach
Target groups
Direct: Career guidance staff, trainers and professionals active in the field of start-ups.
Final: Young, adults, workers, unemployed interested in starting a new business or a new profession
The project aims at empowering career guidance staff and trainers through the transfer of the
competence based methodological model and the relative self directed learning. These
professional profiles play a key role in order to diversify and customize services offered in the field
of assessment and development of entrepreneurial skills, and they act as a lever to stimulate the
creation of new enterprises.
Lead partner of the project is Conform, a training agency and network of national and
international public and private organisations. Other partners are:
- Fòrema (Italy) – Training agency;
- Petroc (United Kingdom) – Further Education college;
- Cifesal (Spain) – Training and consultancy company for SMEs;
- Fundación Laboral del Metal (Spain) – Training organisation for the Metal Industry of Cantabria Region;
- Uniwersytet Szczecinski (Poland) – Szczecin University;
- Provincia di Avellino (Italy) – Ente locale;
- Gip Auvergne (France) – Public Training agency, Auvergne Region.
Focus groups to investigate the suitability of the competence based methodological model to the target groups’ needs;
cross-border mobility for career guidance staff and trainers in order to define common tools and materials to implement the project;
testing to verify the effectiveness of the model and the coherence of its purpose and objectives;
transfer of the model, of the relative self directed learning and virtual environments.
Lifelong Learning Programme (LLP) – Leonardo da Vinci - Transfer of Innovation
Project website
Project status
Completed: started in October 2010, ended in September 2012.