The HR+ project is developing an innovative curriculum for HR managers to navigate the twin transition and social inclusion in knowledge-intensive industries. The project will create a new HR profile and training program, validated through pilot initiatives in Italy, Spain, and Hungary.
Direct target groups: HR managers, C-level, professionals in human resources development, entrepreneurs within large companies and SMEs active in knowledge intensives industries
Indirect target groups: public and private bodies in charge of facilitating twin transition, local development and social integration of foreign citizens; regional networks and partnerships for social innovation; citizens with emerging needs for inclusion and diversity management.
HR+ views companies as hubs of social innovation and the partnership aims at develop an acknowledged innovative curriculum for HR managers dealing with:
Needs Analysis – Conduct a comprehensive needs assessment within partner countries (Italy, Spain, Hungary, Portugal) to understand HR’s current classification within regional, national, and EU frameworks. This analysis explores the effects of workforce changes, including the twin transition and skills shortages, to identify the new competencies required for HR roles.
Profile Development and Testing – Develop and trial a new HR Profile (EQF6/ECVET) through three pilot programes (IT, ES, HU). The profile will be pre-validated and promoted for recognition in relevant regional and national frameworks.
Communication and Awareness – Establish a robust communication strategy to disseminate project outcomes, engaging stakeholders on the value of employment as a means of social inclusion and emphasising the strategic role of Vocational Education and Training (VET) in linking workforce needs and policy-making.
In line with HR+’s mission to support the adaptability of KI organisations, the following will be delivered:
Project Coordinator and Leader; Fòrema is the training and consulting company of Confindustria Veneto Est - Italy
Veneto Lavoro
Veneto Lavoro is a regional instrumental body of Veneto Region Government responsible for directing, operationally coordinating, monitoring, and managing the public employment services network, incorporating the Region’s 40 Employment Centres - Italy
FAV – Fondazione Aldini Valeriani
FAV is a private and non-profit organisation set up in Bologna with the main aim to create a centre of excellence for the developing of technical culture – Italy
EVTA – European Vocational Trainig Association
The European Vocational Training Association – EVTA is a leading European network in the field of VET. It includes members from several European countries, representing thousands of key players in the field of education and training – Belgium
Gdoce – Grupo Empresarial de Servicios
Gdoce is an entity specialised in the provision of services oriented to the development of human capital in organisations, both for the public and private sectors, offering innovative and quality solutions - Spain
Founded in Budapest in 2000, its mission is to innovate business organisation and management models by transferring research results to companies through training and accompanying/advisory activities – Hungary
Previform – Laboratório, Formação, Higiene e Segurança do Trabalho
Previform is specialized in external hygiene and safety services at work since 2005, and also provides consulting services in food safety, implementation of quality systems and training - Portugal
CONFINDUSTRIA VENETO EST – the second largest industrial association in Italy, based in Veneto Region
SIT SPA – knowledge intensive company- Italy
CAREL SPA – knowledge intensive company- Italy
FONDIMPRESA- the largest fund for training at national level - Italy
AIDP EMILIA ROMAGNA- HR professionals and managers network Italy
CONFINDUSTRIA EMILIA AREA CENTRO – industrial association based in Emilia-Romagna Region - Italy
GHEPI SRL – knowledge intensive company - Italy
POGGIPOLLINI SPA – knowledge intensive company - Italy
AMES GROUP KFT – knowledge intensive company - Hungary
HSZOSZ - HR professionals and managers network - Hungary
ROWANHILL DIGITAL KFT – knowledge intensive company - Hungary
TCP DESIGN – knowledge intensive company - Hungary
EDUCATIC VET – training company - Spain
GRUPO ASESOR FORMACION – HR professionals network - Spain
COMBINABRILHO LDA – knowledge intensive company - Portugal
Erasmus + Key Action 220 - VET
Running: from October 2024 until May 2026