S.A.L.T.O. – Sviluppo e Animazione locale del territorio per l’occupazione


S.A.L.T.O. – Sviluppo e Animazione locale del territorio per l’occupazione

Target groups

Italian people living in Argentina.


To develop the competences of Italian people who reside in Argentina – Province of Cordoba – to
improve the quality of the local economic and social system. To realize entertainment activities for
local development through a joint cooperation among Italian and Argentinean institutions and
local authorities.


Lead partner is the Province of Padua. Other partners are:

  • Fòrema (Italy) - training agency;

  • Scuola di Amministrazione Aziendale - University of Torino (Italy);

  • INFOR Consorzio Interaziendale per la Formazione – Torino (Italy) – training agency;

  • FIAT GROUP AUTOMOBILES S.p.A. - company;

  • Confindustria Padova (Italy) – employer association;

  • Ministerio de la Produccion y Trabajo Provincia Cordoba (Argentina) – National Government;

  • Cámara de Comercio Italiana de Córdoba (Argentina) – Chamber of Commerce;

  • Municipalidad de Córdoba (Argentina) – Local Government;

  • Municipalidad de Rio Cuarto (Argentina) – Local Government;

  • Universidad Nacional de Rio Cuarto (UNRC) (Argentina) – University.


  • Training courses for Italians residing in Argentina;

  • development of a network of Italian and Argentinean bodies and institutions;

  • international meetings.


Project financed by the Italian Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs

Project Status

Completed: started in June 2008, completed in September in 2011